Astana firmly takes its rightful place among global leaders - expert

BAKU. KAZINFORM Summing up the results of Nursultan Nazarbayev's visit to the United States and Kazakhstan's presidency in the UN Security Council, Azerbaijani political scientist Rauf Radzhabov said that today Astana takes its rightful place among global leaders.

In his interview with Kazinform, Rauf Radzhabov noted that almost everything President Nazarbayev does in terms of foreign policy is primarily aimed at improving the quality of life of Kazakhstanis and his recent visit to the U.S. was no exception.

The expert stressed the fact that during his visit to the States, the Head of State held meetings with the the head of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation Ray W. Washburne,  U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, as well as representatives of several major companies, during which the sides signed a number of agreements on investment and trade and economic cooperation for a total worth of almost $7 billion.

Rauf Radzhabov is convinced that in the medium term these agreements will have a positive impact on the country's macro and microeconomic indicators and facilitate Kazakhstan joining the 30 developed economies by 2050.

The expert added that Kazakhstan demonstrates the consistency in terms of promoting both global and regional security amidst the growing nuclear threat.

He also notes the fact that Nursultan Nazarbayev and Donald Trump have reaffirmed the two countries' commitment to solving common problems in Central Asia through regional instruments, such as the C5+1 dialogue, and welcomed Afghanistan joining the dialogue.

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