China praises Kazakhstan's Presidency over UN Security Council: ambassador

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Hanhui expressed support for the policy pursued by Kazakhstan, Kazinform correspondent reports.

"Kazakhstan's Presidency over the UN Security Council this year demonstrates the country's crucial role on the global stage and in regional affairs. We greatly appreciate Kazakhstan's role and weighty contribution to the maintenance of peace throughout the world and to the development of the national economy. All people in neighboring countries and all over the world cannot ignore the role of Kazakhstan. Everyone is envious of the achievements of the Kazakh nation. We congratulate you," the diplomat said while opening "China today" photo exhibition in the Military History Museum in Astana.


According to him, China and Kazakhstan enjoy comprehensive strategic partnership based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.

"We have fully completed the demarcation of our borders - 1,780 km have become a knot of friendship between our states. We regard Kazakhstan as our closest friend, blood brother, relative, and reliable partner. We are building our relations for our common future, we are ready to hand down the torch of friendship from generation to generation," the ambassador added.
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