640 foreign nationals to receive Kazakhstani citizenship

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Secretary of State Gulashara Abdykalikova has chaired today a regular meeting of the Commission for Citizenship, Kazinform correspondent reports.  

Welcoming the Commission members, the Secretary of State noted a growing number of the persons willing to receive Kazakhstani citienship.

“The international authority of Kazakhstan has strengthened over the years of independence, which proves high culture of interethnic communication and confident movement of the country in socio-economic and political development under the leadership of President Nursultan Nazarbayev,” she said.

“On the eve of the State Symbols Day, we are exceptionally honored to welcome new Kazakhstanis and wish them happy life and fruitful work for the name of the Motherland. I am sure that they will worthily contribute to further development and wellbeing of sovereign Kazakhstan,” G.Abydkalikova added.


According to her, 640 nationals of CIS and non-CIS countries will receive Kazakhstani citizenship after an appropriate decree is signed.

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